SQL permission to database


Hi All,

Is it possible to give the dba permission (previlages) to the normal user?
I mean to say, right now manually I give access permission to user for each table or schema change, instead of this, I want to give the full access permission on whole database to that user, so that in future if any schema change happens, automatically user can access the table.

Progress Version:Progress OE 10.1B

Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can!

But you can only do this with a tool that allows you to submit SQL statements against the database - which is not any component of the Progress/OpenEdge 4GL development environemnt ( procedure editor, for example ).

With the GRANT statement you may also GRANT DBA rights to every existing user. Existing user includes both, the ones you created using SQL and the ones which are created on the 4GL side of things ...

HTH, RealHeavyDude.
Thanks for your reply.

I used following command for this puprose.

{ RESOURCE, DBA } TO user_name [, user_name ] ...;

But I think I am missing something because this is not working in system. I still need to give right for each and every single table manually.

Somebody told me to create the dba role and assign this to user. Is it true? if yes then plz suggest me how to create dba role.
AFAIK, role-base security is not in scope of the SQL92 standard or Progress' implementation.

The GRANT command you are using should do for you. Which tool did you use to submit it?

Maybe, but here I am not 100% positive on this, you are stumbling over another thing which might not be so obvious:

On the 4GL side of things you can define table based security in the meta-schema ( don't know why this would make sense in that way other than it is some remainder from good ole V6 days ). There are fields in the _File meta-schema table for can-read, can-write and so on. Maybe these bite you ...

HTH, RealHeavyDude.
The SQL explorer should do. I have done this several times in the past and it did work. To me it seems we are both missing something here ...
