Speeding up query


Morning all,

I'm rewriting a screen and the browse in it is based on data pulled from several tables. The way I've got it now, the user selects data from a few selection boxes (multi-selection available) and based on the data selected the query is ran:

/* The variables contain the selected data from selection boxes 
var1 = "test,data,for,looking,up". 
var2 = "more,test,info,for,seeking". */
     LOOKUP(tbl1.fld1,var1) > 0, 
     LOOKUP(tbl2,fld1,var2) > 0 AND 
     tbl2.fld2 = tbl1.fld2: 
/* ... code here ... */

Is there a quicker alternative to using the LOOKUP function for this? Maybe I should be loading the selected data differently?
You say nothing about your Progress version - I am just guessing it's at least 9.1e.

Whenever you use a function like you do in a query there is no way that an index bracket can be used and therefore it will cause a table scan.

The only way you can avoid that is to use ORs for each possiblity when using a static query (or FOR EACH in your case).

If the list of possibilities is variable, determined at run time, I would us a dynamic query for which you build the query predicate dynamically at run time. But dynamic objects are only available starting with V9.

Regards, RealHeavyDude.
As RHD stated, there is no way as written to prevent a table scan.

An alternative, ONLY provided that tbl1.fld1 is an index and tbl2.fld2 is an index (or either is a primary part of an index):
def var i as int no-undo.
def temp-table tt no-undo
    field tbl1-recid as recid
    field tbl2-recid as recid.

repeat i = 1 to num-entries(var1,","):

    FOR EACH tbl1 NO-LOCK WHERE tbl1.fld1 = entry(i,var1,","), 
        EACH tbl2 NO-LOCK 
               WHERE tbl2.fld2 = tbl1.fld2
               and LOOKUP(tbl2.fld1,var2) > 0:
        create tt.
        assign tt.tbl1-recid = recid(tbl1)
               tt.tbl2-recid = recid(tbl2).

for each tt,
    each tbl1 no-lock where recid(tbl1) = tt.tbl1-recid,
    each tbl2 no-lock where recid(tbl2) = tt.tbl2-recid:
    /* ... code here ... */
I didn't include sorting, but you could add the fields necessary for sorting in the temp table and set an index = the fields for sorting.
Yea, I knew I would need to rewrite it because the function causes a whole-index.

I like the example you have above but the second lookup causes an issue doesn't it?

repeat i = 1 to num-entries(var1,","):

    FOR EACH tbl1 NO-LOCK WHERE tbl1.fld1 = entry(i,var1,","): 
    do x = 1 to num-entries(var2): 
        for EACH tbl2 NO-LOCK 
               WHERE tbl2.fld2 = tbl1.fld2
               and tbl2.fld1 = entry(x,var2):

        create tt.
        assign tt.tbl1-recid = recid(tbl1)
               tt.tbl2-recid = recid(tbl2).
Not knowing what your specific key structure for tbl2 means I don't really know if it would or wouldn't.

Your example should work also, especially if tbl2.fld2 and tbl2.fld1 are a single key or tbl2 only has a key with tbl2.fld1.

FWIW, I had just copied what you did in your example with the "assumption" that tbl2.fld2 was the key in tbl2.
Depending on the number of selected values and whether or not the corresponding field in the table is indexed, the fastest approach might be N separate searches, one on each selected value, thus avoiding a table scan, and build a temp-table with the results.