SmartObject slow to initialise


Hi Peggers

I am using Progress v8.3b on an NT machine.
I am developing an application using SmartObjects.
I have a browse and a viewer on a smartwindow.
When I run the window the browse and viewer take forever to load.
Any help/ideas would be helpful.
During development there were no problems with speed, there have been no database changes since.
The rcode is ran instead of the source and i use indexing.
I have never had this before when using smartobjects so any help would be welcome.

You said it runs fine in development, but slow in production? I assume that the development and production databases are different, maybe there is alot more data in the production enviroment that is being passed to the client, whereas in development you are only using a sub-set of data. Are all SmartWindows w/ Viewer & Browser on this client slow, or just this one?


Chris Schreiber Manager