Smart Data Browser problem


New Member
I want to be able to link a basic maintenance screen (SDO-STB-SDV) to a detailled table (SDO-STB-SDB). The detailled table toolbar becomes disabled by default, replacing that SDB with an equivalent SDV, it works.

Here's the mapping:


SDO1-DATA-SDO2 (Foreign key fields set)

Any reason why using SDB2 instead of SDV2 makes the toolbar disabled?

SDO1-DATA-SDO2 (Foreign key fields set)

Why are you not using the smart panel for updation? Where are the links to/from it!.. any specific reason?

Paul isn't using an update panel. He is using a smart toolbar. This should handle both update and navigation.

Sorry Paul, but I haven't been able to replicate your problem. Are all options on the toolbar disabled (both update and navigation)? Have you checked your instance properties on the SDB?
Yes, the whole SBT2 is disabled. I didn't check the SDB2... What instance attributes could affect the toolbar?

Remember, I have smartlinks setup the same way I would with a SDV instead of a SDB and it works for the SDV. It seems to me that Progress doesn't do the TABLEIO too well with SDB's.


P.S. I don't know if some of you've been also having a problem whereby the smarttoolbar's ADD button is disabled, but the rest of the buttons are enabled for input?!? This one I've fixed usally by re-doing all the smartobjects again, and re-linking again, and sometimes also, restarting the AB altogether...
The only way I can replicate your problem is if NONE of the fields in SDB2 is enabled. To check this, open up your SDB2, double click on the browser, choose the Fields button and see if any fields are marked as 'e' for enabled.

BTW, My preference is now to use Dynamic Smart Browsers wherever possible. I have seen the future!
You know, I haven't even looked at my program this morning, but I'm sure what you say is true. Because the default for a browser is to not have any enabled fields...

Is there a smart Dynamic Data Browser out there? ;-)

On 9.1C, if you right-click on the palette icon for SDB, it's at the bottom of the menu.

You just place them directly onto the SmartWindow/Frame beside the SDO.

It cuts down on the code library.

Paul isn't using an update panel. He is using a smart toolbar. This should handle both update and navigation.

I am using my custom panels - some added buttons like "Print" on it! so STB did not make any sense to me in the first look.

Is it possible to get column sort functionality of the Dyna Browser? we don't get the start-search trigger on it - any function or proc. avail for it??
Up to now, I've been working with my own version of dynbrowser.w, starting with the supplied version and adding my own functionality as and when it became neccessary.

I haven't had the opportunity to work with "Dynamics" yet, so I don't know whether Progress offers more standard functionality there.

We have our own browser sort program, but it relies on several super procedures.