Smart Browsers Interchanging information


New Member
Hi all.

I have to do a program with 2 smart browsers in a smart frame. In the first smart browser i select some records and the selected records must create records in the second browser. in my ingnorance using smarts objets i dont know how to manipulate parameters between smarts.

in this programs depends many job.

I hope some help from the programers comunity.
This may seem an unothodox approach but it seems to work.

Make your second smart browser contain a work-table like the table in your first.
Set the external table in the second browse, to be the table in the first.
Freeform your query in the second browse to execute on your work-table ( Displaying all entries ).
Use the procedure editor to edit the second file as text.
In the adm-row-available procedure add after the row-find.i statement:

FIND 1st-table-name where ROWID(1st-table-name) = row-avail-rowid NO-ERROR.
IF AVAILABLE 1st-table-name THEN DO:
CREATE worktable-name.
ASSIGN worktable-fields.

Although this may not be common practice ( editing fixed adm sections ) it works.
I'm sure there may be simpler ways to do it.


PS You may need to set a flag as it will pick up the first selected row automatically.