Single Agent for multiple requests


Well-Known Member
Binding a WebSpeed agent to a specific user not only seems very odd to me, it also is hardly possible. Plus it compromises the idea of having a stateless or state-free server backend.

Out of curiosity, what business case would rectify such an awkward setup? If you would be more specific as to why you would require locking an agent we could probably give you a better advise.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.

Faizul Hasan

New Member
We are creating MS Excel where it should create more than 500 excel sheets. But the problem is it will give CGI Time Out but the sheet is getting created. As a solution we have submit the page each and every excel sheet creation by using javascript auto submit. Since we are using 5 agents the COM-HANDLE value is missing for some agents and displaying "Invalid Handle". So is there any way to overcome this issue?


you have to create a bat/shell script on the server side webspeed who set/export all variables
like TERM,PATH,DLC,JAVA_HOME, etc ... and start
$DLC/bin/_progres -db [dadabase] -p yourExcelGeneration.p
and , in the webspeed page you start this script with OS-COMMAND SILENT VALUE(""), at the end of the page.