Simple Db monitoring


New Member
Hi All,

I'm a newbie to a DBA role, but have several years dev experience in PROGRESS 4GL.

What I'm trying to introduce here at my new home is a simple, automatic Db analysis or monitoring process.

I'm aware of dbanalysis and promon, have heard of VST's, but am largely unaware of their various benefits or drawbacks.

In a nutshell I'd like to be able to generate stats on my Db's telling me the "true" disk usage, free space in my extents, etc etc. Like most DBA's I'm trying to be proactive and foresee issue before they "explode". Of course there's always cases where that's not possible but if I've got a good handle on the health of my Db's I'm halfway there.

Regards, mi160800.


You need ProTop!

ProTop is a Free Open Source Progress 4GL VST based performance monitoring program. ProTop monitors OpenEdge database performance with an eye towards presenting performance tuning data in an organized, real-time manner more like the UNIX "top" program than PROMON does -- hence the name ;-)

Try it. You'll like it.