Secure Socket Layer (SSL) failure? [OE101C]

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I have a process that uses web services via sockets/https. My code is erroring out all of a sudden when using sockets. I'm guessing it's something to do with progress internal certificate manager.

These are the errors that are occurring.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) failure. error code -54: certificate signature failure: for b0f3e76e.0 in n:\progra~1\oe101c\certs (9318)
Connection failure for host port 443 transport TCP. (9407)
Invalid socket object used in WRITE method. (9178)

I then decided to get the Cert Chain from the site who's service I was using. I ran this command to get this.

openssl s_client -connect -showcerts > certs.out

After getting the certs I extracted each one into it's own file and tiled them cert1.cer, cert2.cer and cert3.cer. I registered them with the certutil and the error was still occurring.

I then converted all three of them using this command.

openssl x509 -in cert1.cer -out cert1.pem -outform PEM

Then tried registering them again and still no solution.

I registered them in proenv this way.

certutil -import cert1.pem

they imported correctly but I am still getting this error. Is there something that I am missing or could this be something entirely different. In the original error the hash b0f3e76e.0 is in fact being generated by the 3rd cert. I attempted to delete the hash in the certs folder and regenerate it. I'm completely clueless at this point. The app has worked for awhile and i remember having this issue in the past but can't remember what fixed it. Seems as though when someone was changing from a virtual drive to a physical drive that progress is installed on this error started popping back up.


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