search for specific file tipes...

search for specific file types...

i want to search a specific Directory (for example C:\test) for files with .smf ending, i need a character string with all files that end with .smf, can someone help me?
Hopefully you mean from within Progress. If you mean from Windows, well, this question would be just too sad for words.

From Progress, something like this would be one of several ways:

def var filename as c.
input from os-dir("c:\test").
repeat :
import filename ^ ^.
if filename matches("*.smf") then disp filename.
Hopefully you mean from within Progress. If you mean from Windows, well, this question would be just too sad for words.

From Progress, something like this would be one of several ways:

def var filename as c.
input from os-dir("c:\test").
repeat :
import filename ^ ^.
if filename matches("*.smf") then disp filename.

of course i mean progress,

thank you for your help, thats exactly what i was searching for