Sales Order/Purchase Order Invoice/Material Reciept Lock after End/Expiry Date


New Member
In QAD, After put the end date in Sales Order and Purchase Order, System is giving the Warnning not stoping the Invoicing/Material Reciept. How we can stock Invoicing/ Material Reciept after End Date.

Thanks in Advance.

Manoj Kumar
M. +91 9654090906
if you want to disable/block Sales Order, you can cancel detail lines
by setting Ship Type to "X" (=cancelled), so MRP ignores these lines
and you cannot ship them.

to disable Purchase Order, you can close it (put "C" in status)
Thanks for your Reply.

This solution is only for Discreate SO and PO, not for schedule. What we can do for schedule orders.
For Schedule orders , de-activate the existing schedules by entering the end effective dates for the individual line items.
Thanks for your reply,

I have already applied this trick but system only giving the warning and we are able to make Sales Invoice and Material Reciepts, System is not stoping. We want system does not allow to do any transaction if end expiry is there.
Then you can try this below solution
Change the % in Scheduled Order MRP % Maintenance to 0 or delete the % and go into Scheduled Order Maintenance (rspomt.p) and close the order.