rereadnolock parameter


I doubt that an ancient thread is an exact duplicate of your specific situation... it might be related but it seems unlikely that you have exactly the same problem.

What version of Progress are you running?

What is the actual error that you are getting?

Do you have a code sample that demonstrates your error?


New Member
The Progress Version is 9.1 D.

the message we are getting is "SYSTEM ERROR:- s exceeded, Raising STOP condition and attempting to write stack trace to file "procore" consider increasing -s startup parameters. (5635)"
Hi Veenit,
This is a wild guess with the inputs that i have got from you. In this case i hope due to the addition of the -rereadnolock parameter the system might requires additional memory space (stack) for storing the information like if the record has been changed or not from another client. So try increasing the -s parameter. Sorry if i am wrong.

Let me know if you get more information on it. Thanks in advance.