RECTANGLE RECT-3 does not fit in parent DIALOG-BOX d_newobj. (6491)



I just installed OpenEdge 10.2A on my Xp Professional laptop (Dell). Works fine.
But when I start the AppBuilder and press File/New the above message appears.

I use a progress.ini, just as the knowledgebase states. My desktop is standard windows xp.

I do use a monitor with a resolution of 1680 by 1050 pixels.

Anyone knows what to do to avoid this message?
Standard Microsoft error & procedure.
Simple really, reinstall. Overwrite existing installation.
If that doesn`t work, reinstall drivers - display adapter/graphics card .......
It is a ball ache, but thats Microsoft for you.
Before reinstalling progress search the knowledgebase for the error (6491) there can be numerous other ways which can cause this problems like fonts in your ini for instance:
Status: Verified
AppBuilder does not display fonts properly.
Extremely small fonts in the Application Compiler
Sizing errors occur
Error 6491 when opening the dialog to create a new object
**<widget id> does not fit in parent <parent widget id>. (6491)
**RECTANGLE RECT-3 does not fit in parent DIALOG-BOX d_newobj. (6491)
FACT(s) (Environment):
OpenEdge 10.x
.ini file is used
The ini file has incorrect font parameters
Make sure you always use the following default parameters:
[Startup] DefaultFont=MS Sans Serif, size=8 DefaultFixedFont=Courier
New, size=8 [fonts] font0=Courier New, size=8 font1=MS Sans Serif,
size=8 font2=Courier New, size=8 font3=Courier New, size=8 font4=MS
Sans Serif, size=8 font5=MS Sans Serif, size=10 font6=MS Sans Serif,
size=8, bold font7=MS Sans Serif, size=8 The ini file should also
respect the following structure in sequence: [Startup] ... [Colors]
... [Default Window] ="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Tahoma;">...
[Fonts] ... [WinChar Startup] ....
Make the size change and click the OK button.


Reinstalling Progress WILL correct these errors.
It is a standard MS procedure, simply reinstall
this will correct any errors
Thanks for all your input.

And so I did re-install....

Unfortunately, my laptop and I do not seem to be friends. I uninstalled all of OpenEdge 10.2A then re-installed.
The same error appears.

And yes, I usually read anything in the knowledgebase when I encounter something I don't understand. I do not have any unusual or different fonts or anything like that.

So, do you think there are any other options possible?
What DPI Scaling are you using? (DPI scaling is the Vista term, XP has something similar) If it is set to more readable fonts (120 DPI) instead of the default (96 DPI) I believe you can also get these errors - but I am pretty sure this is in the knowledge base.

Otherwise you will need to perform some sanity confirmation that the progress.ini you think you are using when starting the AppBuilder is really the one that is being used.
Thank you Stefan.

I use a DPI of 96, so there is nothing weird there.
When I change the propath I can see the changes in the progress.ini, so I must be using the correct progress.ini.

I start wondering if it has something to do with installing progress on a laptop?
It could be the screen resolution. Maybe. Have you tried setting the reslution to something like 1280 x 1024 (not saying to keep it there, but as a test).
At home I use Vista x64 with two 22" 1680 x 1050 monitors - no issues. My WinXP laptop is 1280 x 800 - also no issues.

Note that I normally do not use the AppBuilder, but have selected 'new' from menu on both machines.

Is your propath pointing to customized AppBuilder sources / possibly pointing to AppBuilder r-code that was compiled with a different resolution?
How can I debug the appbuilder? Since this error appears the moment I press "new"?

The AppBuilder is simply Progress code. So add -debugalert to your or the command line you use to start the AppBuilder. All Progress messages then also have a 'help' button, click on this for the stack trace, you can then also start the debugger.
After a morning with Progress it IS working correctly.

We went over all the settings, which you also wrote to check. I checked them all.
Today, we did that over and over again. At a certain point we changed the DPI to 120 and back to 96. After that we had to restart the computer and VOILA, no more problems.

I do not pretend to understand it.....