Question Read QRCODE

Good afternoon.
How can I read a barcode in QRCODE format.
I have to implement it in a data collector.
According to the attached model


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You're going to need to provide quite a bit more detail to get an answer. This is far too ambiguous. See my sig for a starting point.
Good Morning.
There are no errors, because I haven't created the program yet.
The operating system is window.
Progress 11.
I need to create a data collector program.
This program should read a tag in QRCODE format.
The label will have 3 fields: Product (item), deposit and quantity
I would like to know how to implement this QRCODE reading in progress.
What are you using to read the QR code itself? Because Progress can't do that. Is this an application written in ABL, or is it a web app that talks to Progress via an API?
Generally, if this is a pure ABL system, I would buy a USB barcode reader. This will spit the QR code out in plain text. So you stick a fill-in on the form, the user provides focus to it, and scans the QR code. The fill in then has text in it. You process the text.
But, that's purely a guess because your requirements are still waaay too ambiguous to make a decent stab at helping you.
Good Morning.
There are no errors, because I haven't created the program yet.
The operating system is window.
Progress 11.
I need to create a data collector program.
This program should read a tag in QRCODE format.
The label will have 3 fields: Product (item), deposit and quantity
I would like to know how to implement this QRCODE reading in progress.
On Webspeed app I used this QR Code Generator for generate QR images. And for read it Web QR