Answered Question about free form queries

Dave Reyes

New Member
Hi. I am trying to do a free form query for a browse and I've been having a problem.
I have joined multiple tables in it and it seems to be working fine, but when one of the table's record is not found, the browse will not display the record even if there are records from the other tables.

To be more precise, I have table1,table2,table3 as tables with record1,record2,record3 as a fields of the tables respectively.
If table3.record3 is not available, the browse will also not display table1.record1 and table2.record2 on the browse.

Is there something I did wrong or I need to do?
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Without specifying anything a quey will use an inner-join. That means it will only return a result if there is at least one record availabe in each relation. You can deliberately specify an outer-join in a query to work around such a case. But you need to be aware that you might run into side effects like the query now returning other results you did not expect or you are running in a performance issue. You should have a look in the outer-join option to the query statement to get an understanding.

You might also have a look into this knowledge base article:

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.