qty allocated

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
I have a lot/serial with zero qty on hand that does not
come off the ld_det table when zero balances are cleared. I
believe the reason it doesn't come off if because it has a
qty allocated on it.
Is there an easy way to tell what order this lot/serial
would be allocated to?


Rick Kane
Applications Group Manager
Green Bay Packaging Inc.
Phone: (920) 433-5184
Fax: (920) 438-5184
E-mail: rkane@gbp.com

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Check the allocated inventory report - 3.18 icptiq02.p in 7.4F

Richard Beveridge
Materials Manager
Solid State Logic Ltd
Tel; 01865 842300
Fax; 01865 841673
email; richardb@solid-state-logic.com

Chris Kelleher

Staff member

have you tried 3.18 Allocated Inventory Inquiry ? It allows you to
include the lot/serial in the selection criteria.



Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Do a search on lot Transaction history 3.22.3 or write an inquiry
for each tr_hist where tr_lot = "########" no-lock:
display ...

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
There's an easy way. Try menu selection [3.18] Allocated Inventory Inquiry


Ron Shneor Tel: +972-3-6455148
Information Systems Manager Fax: +972-3-6474681
Radcom Ltd. E-mail: ron@radcom.co.il
http://www.radcom-inc.com <http://www.radcom-inc.com> - for on-line product
information http://www.protocols.com <http://www.protocols.com>

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Other folks have given you some good places to start. Another thing to
check is to make sure the report that you are running doesn't round to a few
decimal places. We find a lot of times that a report will show 0 qty on
hand, but actually there is something like .0000003302 on hand. If the
report rounds to soon, then it will show zero. The problem is the routine
that deletes the ld_det check ld_qty_oh <> 0. It does not round the
ld_qty_oh field.

A way to check this is to write a simple Progress program that displays the
ld_qty_oh field with out rounding or truncating.

| James Blankenship
| MFG/PRO Team Manager
| United Systems, Inc.
| jlb@usiatl.com
| http://www.usiatl.com
| Office: 207-885-9902
| Fax: 207-885-9903
| Mobile: 207-450-8577 Nationwide