Question QAD 2014SE Transit times - Help request


New Member
We ship a part to several different locations, some domestic some international.
How can I set in QAD the different times it takes for the parts to reach the different locations?
Shipping to CUST-TX 7 days
Shipping to CUST-AU 28 days

These transit times should drive our MRP requirements.

Please let me know if more info is needed.

Thanks in advance!
Transit times are dependent on how your are entering the demand.. I like to think of dates as when we need to ship... Thus in 7.3.13 scheduled order maintenance, you can use the Trasport Days field to move your 7.5.1 demand backwards. You would do that of course, if your edi data is delivery based, meaning the customer is sending when they want the parts to arrive at their facility. Some customers send the day they want you to ship, so it's dependent on knowing how that customer is and how your loading the data.. If using sales orders, then you calculate the due date when you enter it manually, so it represents when you need to ship it...
In 2014SE look for menu 2.16.1 Deliver Transit Time Maint. Here you can enter transit days by country or combinations of county/state/city as you want. The days will be used to propose promise/due dates during sales order maintenance.