ProxyGen Web Service



I'm trying to create a webservice from a wsm file which I have created from ProxyGen.

It works as long as I do not include the following lines.
   <PortTypeBindingSuffix userDefined="true"></PortTypeBindingSuffix>
   <ServiceSuffix userDefined="true"></ServiceSuffix>
It throws "Unable to read WSM file: <filename>.wsm (10803)"

I do not however want the default 'Obj' and 'service' appended to my objects.

Any ideas? :confused:
I'm using verson 10.1C on Suse 10.
When i transfer wsm file from windows 10.2a to linux 10.2a i am getting the same error.
My reason is:
windows generates
<DotNetRuntime>digitally signed</DotNetRuntime>
linux understand

I just manually edit wsm file and import it to target installation.

Anyway after deploying service you can edit any parameters through Progress Explorer tool or edit files in tomcat/webapps/yourwsa/yourwsa/*.props after disabling web service.


P.S. If you want to change wsdl file you can manually change tomcat/webapps/yourwsa/yourwsa/*wsdl files after deploying.