Proshut - error 1178


New Member

Does anyone know how I can over come this problem.

I have a database created in version 9.0 but have upgraded the server to 9.1B.

When I use the Proshut command I get the error message 1178 message: 'The shared memory is version 9050; expected 9045 <1178>'

There is too much data in the database to dump it and load it into version 9.1B.

Does anyone know a way of getting around this.

Many thanks

Bill Burke

New Member
I don't know the upgrade path, but if it call for a D&L you may be out of luck.

The only thing I can think of is do run the 9.1B install again, being sure that all Progress DB's and services are stopped. Maybe a DLL was in use at the time and didn't get replaced?

my $.02

Please be sure to post your resolution because we'll be going down that same path in the next few months

What steps did you do to the database when you upgraded the server?

When we moved from 9.1B to 9.1C we had to:

Work with 9.1B

Stop the database server.
Stop after imaging and 2 phase commit.
TRUNCATE THE BI FILE (not obvious, but necessary)

Upgrade to 9.1C

Start after imaging and 2 phase commit
Start the database server.


env vars

Check your enviornmental variables and make sure they are pointing to the right version. You probably have more than 1 version of progress installed, and you are using one to start the database but using a different version when you attemp to issue the proshut command.