promon - GUI ??


Is there a GUI version of promon or similar utility? No complaints with running promon from command prompt, but just wondering if there's a GUI version of it.. somehere....
Thank you! I've installed protop but when i run the app, i get the below errors:



did anyone else get lucky ?
Check with Tom. The .NET version is a little fussy ... the sort of stuff one naturally sets up if one is deploying software based on the technology, but tricky to do in downloadable shareware. In particular, I know that one has to have the right version of ProTop for the version of Infragystics.
The one I downloaded from Tom's site is . It said it was for 10.2A, same version I am on.
Do I need to download/install anything for Infragistics?
Sorry, I've been busy decimating the lobster population up in Maine so I haven't been paying much attention...

Yes, there are "issues" with ProTop for DotNET.

It should work with 10.2A if you have the 10.2A Infragistics controls installed.

It might work under some other conditions.

I have also recently modified the 10.2B download to, in theory anyway, include all of the IG assemblies and such that are needed. That may, or may not, work with 10.2A -- someone needs to try it and let me know.

Unfortunately deploying a .NET Progress application isn't as simple as deploying a bunch of dot-r code :( and my grasp on the details is "limited". My time to improve that grasp is pretty limited too.

For my purposes the ChUI ProTop is perfectly functional. So that's what I usually use ;)
okay, it worked... don't ask how :) ... i did'nt need to download the controls. I am on 10-2A.
I do "sometimes" run into temp-table not found errors (FIND on temp-tables errors)... But last couple of days have been error free. I'll keep you posted if i run into anything unusual.. thnx for the tool....