[Progress News] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Spreading the Love on Valentine’s Day: 5 Things You Can Do to Show Appreciation for Your Colleagues

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Danielle Sutherby

Take time this Valentine's Day to appreciate your coworkers.

Valentine’s Day is here, and if you look beyond the romantic cards and heart-shaped chocolates, there really is something in this holiday for everyone. It’s a great opportunity to take a few minutes out of your day to show someone how much they are appreciated: parents, siblings, friends, spouses, colleagues, neighbors…the barista who makes your morning coffee, the person who bags your groceries, the hairdresser you’ve been going to for over 10 years. You get it—there are a lot of people in your life who could use your “thanks.”

When it comes to spreading the love to colleagues, you might not be sure what route to take. You can’t necessarily send everyone you work with a bouquet of roses or buy them all a steak dinner from a five-star restaurant. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to show your appreciation.

Recognize Your Colleagues​

Does your company have a recognition program where you can grant points to a colleague that they can then cash in for a reward?

If someone has gone above and beyond their call of duty to lead a project to success, say “thank you” by giving them some points. You might put them over the top, helping them purchase that air fryer or Peloton they’ve been eyeing.

If your company doesn’t have an employee recognition program, sending them a simple email thanking them for their work with their boss on copy could be just as impactful.

Send a Virtual Valentine​

Remember when we sent valentines to our classmates when we were kids? The little paper notes featuring our favorite cartoon character or actor from the trendy show at the time? Well, who said we had to stop doing that? You can send your colleagues a note of appreciation through many sites. Here are a few: Kisseo, Paperless Post, Hallmark.

Support a Cause or Community​

Do you know a colleague who’s leading a charitable effort? Or maybe they’re a leader of an employee resource group. Support their important work by contributing to their campaign, promoting their work to your network, attending their events and taking the time to read the resources they share.

Be a Mentor​

Has someone expressed interest in learning a skill you’ve mastered? Or maybe someone reminds you of you from years past? Simply taking 20 minutes out of your day to share your knowledge and guide their career development can go a long way.

Be Kind​

If the above items don’t interest you, consider doing the simplest act to show love: Be kind.

Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. A simple kind gesture of holding the door open, smiling when they enter the room or asking how they’re doing could ease whatever burden they’re holding for a moment.

So, there you have it: Five simple things you can do for Valentine’s Day that show your colleagues just how much you enjoy working with them. And remember, you don’t need to wait for Valentine’s Day to show someone how much you appreciate them! But there’s never been a better time than the present to get started.

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