How can i display a long field on screen.
For each cust : Display remarks. End.
The remarks field has 300characters to display. The display statement gives an error that the field is too long to display.
I already tried form and frame definitions. With the width-option this doesn't work. Now i tried with size 300 by 2 but then it show me 80 chars and scroll bars to see the rest.
How can i display the field completely on the screen without scrolling etc?
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For each cust : Display remarks. End.
The remarks field has 300characters to display. The display statement gives an error that the field is too long to display.
I already tried form and frame definitions. With the width-option this doesn't work. Now i tried with size 300 by 2 but then it show me 80 chars and scroll bars to see the rest.
How can i display the field completely on the screen without scrolling etc?
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