[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Wiki Page: Calling Invoke Operations from Kendo UI Builder

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Invoke methods in Business Entities can be called using JSDO.invoke(): Calling Invoke Operations with the JSDO - Wiki - Mobile - Progress Community This functionality is also available from Kendo UI Builder. You can call invoke methods by using a new JSDO instance or the JSDO instance associated with a DataSource used by your view in Kendo UI Builder. Using a new JSDO instance jsdo = new progress.data.JSDO( 'OrderOrderLine' ); jsdo.invoke( ' ).then( , ); Using the JSDO instance of the DataSource in a built-view The reference to a DataSource in a built-in has a different format based on the type of view. You can identify the actual reference by looking at the controller.public.js to see how it is created. jsdo = this.$ds[this.$primeDSName].transport.jsdo ; jsdo.invoke( ' ).then( , ); Using the JSDO instance of the DataSource in a custom view The reference to a DataSource in a custom view created using the blank template use the name that you specify in the configuration. jsdo = this.$ds.OrderOrderLineDS.transport.jsdo ; jsdo.invoke( ' ).then( , ); Calling the invoke operation The code to call the invoke operation would look like the following: getMonthlySales(piYear, pcSalesRep) { var that = this; // var jsdo = new progress.data.JSDO({ name: "OrderOrderLine" }); // var jsdo = this.$ds[this.$primeDSName].transport.jsdo; var jsdo = this.$ds.OrderOrderLineDS.transport.jsdo; piYear = Math.trunc(piYear); jsdo.invoke("MonthlySales", { piYear: piYear, pcSalesRep: pcSalesRep }) .then(function (jsdo, success, request) { console.log("Success: ", request.response.ttSales.ttSales); angular.element("#textbox0").val(""); request.response.ttSales.ttSales.forEach(function (element) { console.log( "SalesRep: " + element.SalesRep + " Month: " + element.Month + " " + "Sales: " + element.Sales); if (element.Month === 1) { angular.element("#textbox0").val(element.Sales); } }); }, function () { console.log("Error while calling invoke operation."); }); } The method definition in the Business Entity would use annotations to indicate that it is an invoke method: @openapi.openedge.export(type="REST", useReturnValue="false", writeDataSetBeforeImage="false"). @progress.service.resourceMapping(type="REST", operation="invoke", URI="/MonthlySales", alias="", mediaType="application/json"). METHOD PUBLIC VOID MonthlySales(INPUT piYear AS INTEGER, INPUT pcSalesRep AS CHARACTER, OUTPUT TABLE ttSales ): ... END METHOD. The method can be called from the JSDO once the catalog file is updated with the invoke operation. Related Links Calling Invoke Operations with the JSDO - Wiki - Mobile - Progress Community How to create a JSDO instance and Kendo UI DataSource in code - Wiki - Kendo UI Builder - Progress Community ===

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