[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: Windows Task Scheduler fails to run a batch file with an OE11.6 exe..

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Hi, We have a number of Windows Tasks scheduled to run at vatious times of the day. They each call the same batch file and pass in a parameter which determines some action to take within the called program; C:\oe116\bin\prowin32.exe -basekey ini -ininame my.ini -pf runTasks.pf -b -p RunTasks.r -param '%1'> null All the Tasks bar one run as expected at their alloted times. However, 1 task trys to run and then returns immediately with a code of 102 With the exception of the run times and the parameter passed in the the batch file the tasks are identical. Searching through the KB one suggestion is to delete and recreate the Task. I've tried this but to no avail. We are running OE11.6 on a 64bit Standard Windows Server 2019. Any, help would e greatly appreciated. Thanks

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