[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: Unusual interaction between -lkwtmo and STOP-AFTER

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I'm seeing misleading a error message. It claims that a lock-wait timeout expired when it did not. (Lock wait timeout of 40 seconds expired (8812)) We start pasoe with -lkwtmo 40. Consider that timeout in combination with the following program : DEFINE VARIABLE m_Error AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. m_Error = "Unexpected error in " + PROGRAM-NAME(1) + " at line {&LINE-NUMBER}. ". /* ************************************************************************ */ /* BlockForTransaction */ /* ************************************************************************ */ BlockForTransaction: DO TRANSACTION STOP-AFTER 10 ON STOP UNDO BlockForTransaction, RETURN ERROR m_Error ON ERROR UNDO BlockForTransaction, RETURN ERROR m_Error ON ENDKEY UNDO BlockForTransaction, RETURN ERROR m_Error: /* ********************************************************************* */ /* Start contentious locking */ /* ********************************************************************* */ BlockSqlTransLoop: FOR EACH contentious_data WHERE contentious_data.system = p_System EXCLUSIVE-LOCK ON STOP UNDO BlockForTransaction, RETURN ERROR m_Error ON ERROR UNDO BlockForTransaction, RETURN ERROR m_Error ON ENDKEY UNDO BlockForTransaction, RETURN ERROR m_Error: /* ********************************************************************* */ /* End BlockSqlTransLoop */ /* ********************************************************************* */ END. END. If there is a long delay in retrieving a record lock, I get the message: Lock wait timeout of 40 seconds expired (8812) But I get it after only ten seconds! In effect, I am hitting the STOP-AFTER timeout ... but it is misrepresenting it as a lock-wait timeout with the full duration of the -lkwtmo parameter. The PASOE agent logs look like so: [19/10/25@13:18:47.447-0400] P-023260 T-025748 3 AS-24 AS -- TRACE: Internal Procedure 'FetchAsyncData' (in 'app/p/app0479.p') START (Proxy 1). [19/10/25@13:18:47.591-0400] P-023260 T-025748 1 AS-24 APPL \\Workspace\app\p\app0479.p 414 STARTING TEST [19/10/25@13:18:57.658-0400] P-023260 T-025748 1 AS-24 -- Lock wait timeout of 40 seconds expired (8812) [19/10/25@13:18:57.658-0400] P-023260 T-025748 1 AS-24 -- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace ** [19/10/25@13:18:57.658-0400] P-023260 T-025748 1 AS-24 -- --> FetchAsyncDataTransaction app/p/app0479.p at line 617 (\\Workspace\app\p\app0479.p) [19/10/25@13:18:57.658-0400] P-023260 T-025748 1 AS-24 -- FetchAsyncData app/p/app0479.p at line 507 (\\Workspace\app\p\app0479.p) [19/10/25@13:18:57.661-0400] P-023260 T-025748 3 AS-24 AS -- TRACE: Internal Procedure (Proxy 1) END ERROR. To make a long story short, it seems like the timeouts (both STOP-AFTER and lock-wait) are both working, but the resulting message in the agent log is confusing. It didn't take 40 seconds for the timeout to expire and somebody who is reading these logs would be very confused. This agent log message was not reproducible in a _progres session for some reason. It only happens in the context of the PASOE agent process.

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