[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Trouble Extracting Json When...

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Rod Anderson

I'm calling a rest service and getting back the below JSON. I tried to build a dynamic dataset but since the the JSON document omits the outer object I get errors 15358 and 15374 which I can't seem to find a work around. I then tried picking the specific data I need using: oObject = CAST(oEntity, JsonObject). oNestObject1 = oObject:GetJsonObject(""). /* this should be the name of the outer object */ cRequestID = oNestObject1:GetJsonText('requestId'). But without the name of the outer object I can't grab the value(s). Any ideas as to how to resolve this? Thanks in advance, Rod { "requestId": "f9f471c9-4c3f-403a-86e7-aadae573350f", "application": "XCDS", "genDt": "", "createDt": "2017-08-07T14:35:14.931-04:00", "timeToLive": 60, "runAfterDate": "", "runAfterRequestId": null, "fixId": null, "fixOption": null, "status": "Maintenance never sent", "sent": false, "_links": [{ "rel": "appList", "uri": "http:\/\/smisdev.mydomain.com\/polling\/v1\/app\/XCDS", "methods": [ "GET", "POST", "OPTIONS" ] }, { "rel": "operations", "uri": "http:\/\/smisdev.mydomain.com\/polling\/v1\/f9f471c9-4c3f-403a-86e7-aadae573350f\/operations", "methods": [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE", "OPTIONS" ] }, { "rel": "self", "uri": "http:\/\/smisdev.mydomain.com\/polling\/v1\/f9f471c9-4c3f-403a-86e7-aadae573350f", "methods": [ "GET", "POST", "PUT", "OPTIONS" ] }, { "rel": "stores", "uri": "http:\/\/smisdev.mydomain.com\/polling\/v1\/f9f471c9-4c3f-403a-86e7-aadae573350f\/stores", "methods": [ "GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE", "OPTIONS" ] } ] }

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