[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Secure Socket layer(SSL) failure, error code 10060 : unknown network error (9318)

  • Thread starter singh.mitesh@gmail.com
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I am still not able to connect to the web service . I have added -nohostverify , re installed all the certificates but it still does not work . To identify the issue . I am now just trying to connect to the server using connect statement as shown below in the code and i am getting error "Secure Socket layer(SSL) failure, error code 10061 : unknown network error (9318)" /*********** Below code which i am running to ***************/ DEFINE VARIABLE vcWebResp AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE lSucess AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE mResponse AS MEMPTR NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE mRequest AS MEMPTR. DEFINE VARIABLE postUrl AS CHAR. DEFINE VARIABLE vcRequest as char format "x(100)" no-undo. DEFINE VARIABLE postData as char format "x(100)" no-undo. DEFINE VARIABLE vhSocket AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. CREATE SOCKET vhSocket. /**********Using Windows API****************/ PROCEDURE Sleep EXTERNAL "KERNEL32.DLL": DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER intMilliseconds AS LONG. END PROCEDURE. vhSocket:CONNECT("-h hostname -S 1234 -ssl -nohostverify") NO-ERROR. IF vhSocket:CONNECTED() = FALSE THEN do: message "Error". MESSAGE ERROR-STATUS:GET-MESSAGE(1) VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. end. else message "Connected". pause.

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