[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: rereadnolock causes non-forward-only query to read first table twice

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George Potemkin

Off-topic note: > find _tablestat where _file._file-number = _tablestat._tablestat-id no-lock. The code works as expected with any value of -basetable only since version 11.7 (mayby 11.7 something). DISPLAY PROVERSION(1) "Wait...". FOR FIRST _StatBase EXCLUSIVE-LOCK: ASSIGN _TableBase = 2. END. FIND FIRST _TableStat NO-LOCK WHERE _TableStat-Id EQ 2. DISPLAY _TableStat-Id. The code above will show "3" in versions before 11.7 and "2" in version 11.7. DISPLAY PROVERSION(1) "Wait...". FOR FIRST _DbParams EXCLUSIVE-LOCK WHERE _DbParams-Name EQ "-basetable":U: ASSIGN _DbParams._DbParams-Value = "2":U. END. FIND FIRST _TableStat NO-LOCK WHERE _TableStat-Id EQ 2. DISPLAY _TableStat-Id. This code shows "2" in version 12.0.

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