[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Newbee Pro2 - Pro2SrcPDB missing when trying to replbatch1.bat

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So what you are saying is that moving from 10.2b, the pro2’s fieldname of SrcPDB has changed to Pro2SrcPDB ? is there other changes I would need to know about? When moving from 10.2b, I was thinking of doing: Setup all new services and databases in 11.7.4 explorer (by doing a restor/convert of all databases and use that as a ready Stop all services (pro2 with more) and databases (Progres 10.2b) and SQL dbs Truncate all bi ‘s Take a backup of db’s (10.2b) and SQL dbs copy backup and dbs.st files to new machines restore db’s (10.2b utils on 11.7.4 ) (the schemaholder for SQL I will rebuild reagrds to some dll’s) restore dbs for SQL Create new odbc connections convert db’s (11.7.4) create a new schemaholder dbsh for Pro2, update schema start all dbs and services Now all should be up running? Of course a need to do some pro2 stuff regarding compile all triggers ,but basically all should be ok? //Geir Otto

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