[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Is there a good approach to defining temp-table/prodataset as class property?

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Peter Judge

> While we're in this topic, will there be an equivalent tool like in Visual Studio that generates a custom class based on a temp-table or > prodataset? I think that will be a helpful tool for writing model. Something along the lines of a tool that takes a (db or TT) schema and (basically) creates an ActiveRecord representation of it? I don't know whether that (or anything that's close to an ORM) would be the best "ABL way" of approaching strongly-typed data. What are you trying to do with this object? There are ways - a handle-wrapper object being the simplest - of getting a TT/PDS in an OO-passable state. Are you just looking to give access to that TT data to another instance?

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