[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Incremental deployment of ABL Web applications to PAS

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Did you test restarting PASOE? That should do the trick if nothing else does, and should be sufficient if you don't mind a minor outage. Once your new code is in place, the Inactive Agent sessions need to be trimmed and restarted. Or the agents themselves (internal processes running as _mproapsv) can be restarted too. You can do these things via the OE manager REST API, which I suspect everyone is including in production. They also have a JMX interface that can perform similar operations. That is theoretically more secure, but I don't think it is used very often because it is pretty inaccessible. Progress doesn't expose the JMX via jolokia so you have to dive into some pretty obscure tools to use that interface (perhaps the obscurity contributes to the security of JMX).

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