[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Asynchronous UI with stateless appserver

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Rutger Olthuis

Hi Patrick, I found this thread while looking for a simular setup. I also found the wait-for suggestion in the documentation, while a long time ago someone in our team created a repeat + process events loop. What would be the reason not use the wait-for solution? I found the solution below (with and without process events) working fine. I'm not a big fan of a continuous repeat myself. But on the other hand, thats probably happening in the background while using a wait-for. do i = 1 to 3: log-manager:WRITE-MESSAGE ("open requests? " + string(hServer:ASYNC-REQUEST-COUNT)). //process events. WAIT-FOR PROCEDURE-COMPLETE OF hRequest. DELETE OBJECT hRequest NO-ERROR. end.

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