[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Any samples showing how to use Progress.Lang.OERequestInfo?

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When I get a chance I will try again. It is odd that you are having me change a "set" statement in the "openedge_setenv.bat" which is a batch file that seems to be never used (at least according to my procmon traces). (Next time perhaps I will try creating a totally new PASOE instance from scratch. I think the instance I'm using was created back in the days of 11.7.2 or so, and I've applied service packs and hotfixes since then.) I believe that what you are showing me above is from the agent log for APSV traffic... and I'm really happy to see what appears to to be a tomcat session ID in there (ie. "CEC418C079AC70F4F9BA25EF3BD958D6AAE5BBA4F19F.testinst"). Hopefully if that is available for printing into the agent log then it is also available from our ABL sessions as well. Can you tell me how I can retrieve it (via session:current-request-info or any other way)? >> Basically, the benefit of MDC is that... Have there been any slide-decks or videos about MDC yet? It sounds pretty interesting. Whenever something serious goes wrong, I will be happy to be able to correlate it to a tomcat session ID. This may allow an application administrator to *expire* the session via the tomcat manager REST interface. Once these session ID's are expired, that seems to clear away any residual resources that are being held by the PASOE session manager.

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