[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: PAS OE - Where do i find application errors ????

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Hi to all I am trying to study and understanding new PAS OE version 11.7[A] I use OE 10.2B and i use it to write WebSpeed applications... With classic Webspeed and version 10.2b i found errors in c:\openedge\wrk\log\ .server.log I receive nothing launching URL below ... http://oe-s01.gruppocomet.net:8820/webapp/web/wsp_cliente.r?codcli=1301105500 My suspect there is an error because wsp_cliente is a cgi-wrapper that use a statement like this ASSIGN HWebContext = WEB-CONTEXT : CONFIG-NAME . In Classic WebSpeed environment i used that statement to know the name of the broker in the URL. (With different webspeed brokers i ran different RUN on ) In PAS OE , URL to launch is different ...and i am trying to undesrtstand how to obtain the bold part of the URL http:// oe-s01.gruppocomet.net:8820 /webapp/web/wsp_cliente.r?codcli=1301105500 oe-s01.gruppocomet.net:8820 that is name of server and port ... I understood i have to use web handler created in Web App Project but i am not able to understand how ... Besides where PAS OE stores log application errors ??? I checked all log files in file system and in configuration in Openedge Explorer... I f you have any ideas or samples about this problem , i will appreciate a lot. Regards.

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