[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Getting Table Buffer-handle...

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Is there some way to get the table:buffer-handle without the use of a create buffer? I want to call some function/procedure to run some query on whatever table-name I provide to that function/procedure. For that I use the handle to the buffer of that table. The problem is that I need to perform some case to assign the correct buffer-handle to my variable (so always need to add some when if i call this with a new table I know I can handle this with a create buffer and use that BUT can't this be done some other way? Isn't there some VST that holds the handles to the tables? (tried _File but no go). So can I replace: case table-name: when "customer" then assign hbuffer = buffer customer:handle. when "language" then assign hbuffer = buffer language:handle. when "country" then assign hbuffer = buffer country:handle. ..... end case. With something generic but without need of create buffer hbuffer for table tablename. Regards Didier

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