[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: data definition 'syntax'

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Having some fun with data definition format and apart from the awkward use of ON/OF it does look like the formatting it's pretty important, line breaks especially seem to break things and the definition file can't be imported. Is there any place where the 'syntax' used in data definition file is documented? For instance although data dictionary only let one to define the index as abbreviated if the last field is of character data type the "_field" system table has an abbreviated index on _file-recid+_field-name but also one on _field-name+_file-recid and for several abbreviated indexes in '_file' table the abbreviated keyword appears on one of the fields in the middle not the last one. ADD INDEX "_File/Field" ON "_Field" AREA "Schema Area" UNIQUE PRIMARY INDEX-FIELD "_File-recid" ASCENDING INDEX-FIELD "_Field-Name" ASCENDING ABBREVIATED ADD INDEX "_Field-Name" ON "_Field" AREA "Schema Area" UNIQUE INDEX-FIELD "_Field-Name" ASCENDING ABBREVIATED INDEX-FIELD "_File-recid" ASCENDING ADD INDEX "_Db/File" ON "_File" AREA "Schema Area" UNIQUE INDEX-FIELD "_Db-recid" ASCENDING INDEX-FIELD "_File-Name" ASCENDING ABBREVIATED INDEX-FIELD "_Owner" ASCENDING ADD INDEX "_Dump-Name" ON "_File" AREA "Schema Area" UNIQUE INDEX-FIELD "_Db-recid" ASCENDING INDEX-FIELD "_Dump-name" ASCENDING ABBREVIATED INDEX-FIELD "_Owner" ASCENDING

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