[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] File: Using the Container Image for PAS for OpenEdge 12.1.0 with a Sample Application

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Requirements: Docker environment Docker Compose A valid progress.cfg file OpenEdge 12.1.0 Environment Scripts to deploy Progress Application Server for OpenEdge Container. This can be obtained either from the Progress Download Center or Progress communities. Note: For the deployment, we are using service port 8811(sample-app), 9200(elasticsearch), 5601(kibana) and 8080(web-ui). These ports should be available. Use the Container Image 1. Start a database server if you don't have a running database server. Below is an example Create a copy of the sports2000 database and start the database server (broker) prodb sports sports2000 proserve sports -S 2. Build the Sports sample app: cd Sports For connecting to the database, update the ./conf/startup.pf file with the below content and substituting the required field. -db sports -H -S In an openedge environment, run the below command ant package Note: A Sports.zip file is generated in ./output/package-output Change the working directory to the parent to follow further steps cd .. 3. Start the Elasticsearch, Kibana and web-ui service Update the value for serviceURI in webui/grid.js to point to your Docker host. Increase virtual memory settings to run Elasticsearch: sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 For additional info : Virtual memory | Elasticsearch Reference [7.3] | Elastic Start the services docker-compose up -d Check the status of Elasticsearch via a web browser. Elasticsearch may take some time to start. http:// :9200 Check the Elasticsearch starts: docker-compose logs -f elasticsearch 4. Deploy the sample app in PASOE Download the PASOE image zip from Electronic Software Distribution (ESD) and unzip it to a folder say pasoe-sample-app . For more details, refer https://docs.progress.com/bundle/pas-for-openedge-docker/ Change the directory cd pasoe-sample-app Copy the Sports.zip generated from Step 2 to ./deploy/ablapps cp ../Sports/output/package-output/Sports.zip ./deploy/ablapps/ Copy the config.properties from sample app to ./deploy/config.properties cp ../config.properties ./deploy/config.properties Update the value for HOST in ../fluentbit/conf/fluent-bit-output.conf to point to your Elasticsearch host. Copy the Fluent Bit config from sample app to push the logs to Elasticsearch cp ../fluentbit/conf/fluent-bit-output.conf ./deploy/conf/logging/ Copy the license file progress.cfg to ./deploy/license If you want to change the database during deployment, you can do this by updating the ./deploy/conf/runtime.properties with below content and substituting the requied field. If localhost is used in Step 2 for connecting to the database, please do update the ./deploy/conf/runtime.properties to point to the IP_ADDRESS_OF_DB_HOST. Sports.DB.CONNECTION.PARAMS=-db sports -H -S Deploy the sample app ant -f ./deploy/build.xml deploy 5. Access the PAS for OpenEdge instance via a web browser: https:// :8811/ https:// :8811/Sports/ https:// :8811/Sports/static/SportsService.json https:// :8811/Sports/rest/SportsService/Customer Note: By default, the PAS for OpenEdge instance will use HTTPS with a test certificate. You will need to accept access with this certificate. 6. Access the web-ui service via a web browser: http:// :8080 7. Access Elasticsearch to check on available logs http:// :9200/_cat/indices 8. Access Kibana http:// :5601 Notes: Select Management/Index Management to see the indices in Elasticsearch. An index named pasoe-container-logs should be present. Select Management/Index Pattern to create an index for Kibana: Create index patterns as 'pasoe_container*' Specify @timestamp to filter data by time Select Discover to see pasoe logs. You can search logs for logtype: pasoe_agent_log, pasoe_application_log, pasoe_localhost_log, pasoe_localhost_access_log, start_server_log and etc. 9. Stop the running services Stop Elasticsearch, Kibana, and web-ui docker-compose -f ../docker-compose.yaml down Stop deployed sample app ant -f ./deploy/build.xml undeploy

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