
Is there a better GUI program that I can use to view the profiler output file? I have one from that for some reason refuse to open. I keep running into a field not found compile error, the field is already defined in an include & the include is in my propath.

And I have one from that analyzed the Log-Manager() output. This works but it does not show me run statistics FOR EACH block. It shows, I think, only the execution time for all external procedures.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
It's pretty noddy code to be honest. I've had to do a load of work to it so that we can run it against a multi-user db.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
That was my hope initially, but real work took over before I could finish :(

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
Another issue I have is that while PSC preaches the gospel of Type II storage areas they are lax in using them. The audit DB has all its tables in the schema area. I found this out when trying to load multiple GB of profiling data. The load churned for hours before blowing up.