Printing Bar Codes


New Member
God am i glad to see the server up and running again!!

We are printing bar codes for a ticketing system that we've created.

My question is:

1. Is there a way that I can print bar codes vertically?
2. If not, what code can i use to make bar codes less wide??
The bar codes have to fit on a space which is approximately 3 inches wide.

We are using the following code:

PUT CONTROL CHR (27) + CHR (16) + CHR (65) + CHR (8) + '20011111'. PUT CONTROL CHR (27) + CHR (16) + CHR (66) + CHR (iTicketLength) + TicketCode.

These values however are too wide when printing alpha-numeric codes (the bar code becomes a good 5 inches wide if i have a ticket numbered BA 456

Any suggestions??