pr-gl interfase

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Hello :

Could someone help me please?

I have some questions:
Is there a diagram or table with the gl accounts what are affected througt out all secuence since I create a WO until the WO
is closed? Can you send me some information about?
Indeed I need to know all possible accounts that in the PR - GL Distribution report could be appear , and where I have to enter them: could be in group product maint, reason maintenance, work center maint, etc

If you need more information about my request, please let me know...
Thank you and regards.

Claudia Jiménez
Expert México, D.F.

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Some notes I put together for Version 7.4.
Hope this helps.

Standard Work Order GL Account Handling

Issue of Material to a Work Order.
- Product Group for Component Item Pr-group.wip-item-mat
- Entity for Warehouse

Work Order Completion.
- Product Group for Produced Item pr-group.inventory
- Entity for Warehouse

Time Sheet Entry.
- Product Group for Produced Item pr-group.wip-item-lab
- Entity for Warehouse
Hrs. x Empl. Rate

- Using overhead percent for wkctr pr-group.wip-item-ovr
Product Group for Produced Item
- Entity for Warehouse
Hrs. x Empl. Rate x overhead rate

- Wkctr file wkctr entity.
Hrs. x Empl. Rate x overhead rate

Work Order Close.
- Variance from std mat $ issued vs <-----------
gl-mat-var -------------------->
Act mat $ issued.
Product Group for produced item

- Variance from std qty vs actual qty <-----------
GL-mat-bom ------------------>
Product Group for Produced Item

- Variance from std.scrap vs actual scrap
<------------- Gl-mat-loss ---------------------->
Product Group for Produced Item

- Variance from std vs act labor by routing
<-------------------gl-lab-eff ------------------>
Wkctr file wkctr.entity.

- Variance from std vs act overhead by
<------------------ gl-ovr-var ---------------->
Routing seq.
Wkctr file wkctr.entity

- Variance from std vs act material issued. <-------------------
gl-mat-var ----------------->
Product Group for Component items

- Total of all std vs act variances (offset).
<-------------------- gl-var-std ------------------>
Product Group for produced item

For all gl-codes that are used from the Product Group file the
entity used is the inventory control entity.

For all gl-codes that are used from the Work Center file the entity
used is the entity code for the work center.

For each wo-materials line of work order during the close.
<---------------- gl-mat-bom -------------->
Variances from wo-material issued
Std vs Actual <-----------------
gl-mat-loss -------------->
From wo-materials pr-group.var-mat-eff

Overall offset of above.
<----------------- gl-var-std ---------------->

Variance in wo-labor by bm-seq for time <------------------
gl-lab-eff ---------------->

var-lab-eff --------------->

Variance in wo-labor by bm-seq for rates <-------------------
gl-lab-pri ---------------->

var-lab-eff --------------->

Variance in wo-labor by bm-seq for qty-scrap
<-------------------- gl-lab-loss --------------->


<-------------------- var-lab-loss --------------->

Variance wo-labor.overheads by bm-seq
<-------------------- gl-over-var ---------------->


<-------------------- var-lab-eff ----------------->

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, October 08, 1999 12:42 PM
Subject: pr-gl interfase

Hello :

Could someone help me please?

I have some questions:
Is there a diagram or table with the gl accounts what are
affected througt out all secuence since I create a WO until the WO
is closed? Can you send me some information about?
Indeed I need to know all possible accounts that in the PR
- GL Distribution report could be appear , and where I have to enter them:
could be in group product maint, reason maintenance, work center maint, etc

If you need more information about my request, please let
me know...
Thank you and regards.

Claudia Jiménez
Expert México, D.F.