Positioning window in the center of the screen.


New Member
How Positioning window in the center of the screen? As to obtain the width and height one of the screen.
I use this program to center windows on the screen. I might have got it from dotr or global-shared.

You call it with run center.p (window-1:handle).

File : center.p
Purpose : center a window dynamically depending on certain attributes
Syntax :
Description :
Author(s) : Robert J. Mirro
Created :
Notes : The windows property sheet should have 'Hidden' checked.
If hidden is set to false, the window will be initially
displayed where you saved it (if you checked the 'Explicit
Postition' box), then it will move to the new coordinates.
If the window is NOT initially hidden, the user will
see the window repostioning itself.

This .p will not let the user resize the window at run-time,
but the window will retain the 3D border. This .p will also
control the size of the window when the 'Max' button is
choosen. The window will not be allowed to be maximized
larger than its current size.

Input Params: Center.p accepts the window handle as an input parameter.

EX.- run center.p(input {&window-name}:handle).

/* This .W file was created with the Progress UIB. */
/* *************************** Definitions ************************** */
def input param win_handle as handle no-undo.
def var win_x as int no-undo.
def var win_y as int no-undo.

/* ******************** Preprocessor Definitions ******************** */
&Scoped-define PROCEDURE-TYPE Procedure


/* *********************** Procedure Settings ************************ */
/* Settings for THIS-PROCEDURE
Type: Procedure
Frames: 0
Add Fields to: Neither
Other Settings: CODE-ONLY
/* ************************* Create Window ************************** */
/* DESIGN Window definition (used by the UIB)
HEIGHT = 2.23
WIDTH = 30.29.


/* *************************** Main Block *************************** */
/* insure that the window starts hidden */
if win_handle:hidden = false then do:
message "This window's 'Hidden' attribute is 'False'." skip
"Please select 'Hidden = True' on this windows" skip
"property sheet."
view-as alert-box warning buttons ok.
win_handle:resize = true no-error.

/* calculate window's true width and height */
/* window not resizable */
win_x = win_handle:width-pixels + 2 when NOT win_handle:resize
win_y = win_handle:height-pixels + 21 when NOT win_handle:resize

/* window resizable */
win_x = win_handle:width-pixels + 8 when win_handle:resize
win_y = win_handle:height-pixels + 27 when win_handle:resize

/* other attributes */
win_y = win_y + 19 when win_handle:menu-bar <> ?
win_y = win_y + 25 when win_handle:status-area.

I have not included a calculation for a 'message area'
simply because I have never used this feature in the

/* center window */
win_handle:x = (session:width-pixels - win_x) / 2
win_handle:y = (session:height-pixels - win_y) / 2
/* control size of window */
win_handle:max-width-pixels = win_handle:width-pixels
win_handle:min-width-pixels = win_handle:width-pixels
win_handle:max-height-pixels = win_handle:height-pixels
win_handle:min-height-pixels = win_handle:height-pixels.
