19+ years progress programming and still learning.
Hi Guys,
Just want to share an issue that I had experienced and managed to resolve.
I'm displaying a PNG image that was dynamically generated by a 3rd party software and I was experiencing a rendering issue when using the IMAGE widget.
Progress KBASE showed that this was a known issue Progress Customer Community.
However, I'm running on OpeneEdge 11.7.15 64bit which should have resolved this issue.
The PNG image would open successfully in any other paint program.
My solution was to use .NET to open the image (in memory), copy it to a new bitmap image and then save it back to disk.
Hopefully, this might help someone else.
Just want to share an issue that I had experienced and managed to resolve.
I'm displaying a PNG image that was dynamically generated by a 3rd party software and I was experiencing a rendering issue when using the IMAGE widget.
Progress KBASE showed that this was a known issue Progress Customer Community.
However, I'm running on OpeneEdge 11.7.15 64bit which should have resolved this issue.
The PNG image would open successfully in any other paint program.
My solution was to use .NET to open the image (in memory), copy it to a new bitmap image and then save it back to disk.
Hopefully, this might help someone else.
using System.Drawing.*.
using System.Drawing.Imaging.*.
procedure FixPNGInterlace private :
define input parameter pPNGImage as character.
define variable originalImage as class System.Drawing.Bitmap no-undo.
define variable newImage as class System.Drawing.Bitmap no-undo.
define variable graphics as class System.Drawing.Graphics no-undo.
// Load the PNG image
originalImage = new Bitmap(pPNGImage).
// Create a new PNG image with specified interlace mode
newImage = new Bitmap(originalImage:Width, originalImage:Height, PixelFormat:Format32bppArgb).
graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics:FromImage(newImage).
graphics:DrawImage(originalImage, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0,0, newImage:Width, newImage:Height) ).
// Save the new PNG image with changed interlace mode
newImage:Save(pPNGImage + '.fixed', ImageFormat:Png).
// Dispose of resources
if valid-object(originalImage) then
if valid-object(newImage) then
if valid-object(newImage) then
delete object graphics.
os-delete value(pPNGImage).
os-rename value(pPNGImage + '.fixed') value(pPNGImage).
end finally.
end procedure.