Output to PDF writer


New Member
Has anyone developed or found a method to output a report to a PDF report writer vs. a network printer?

We have standard reports and Optio reports that are capable of printing to network printers, which we then scan to a pdf and fax. We would like to have the ability to print it directly to the PDF and then email.

Examples would be PO Print or Invoices.


Rich Oliver
Re: output PDF writer

I search for samething for same thing but can't find it.
Finally, I find a tools can output MFG/PRO reports to Excel directly, it solved my problem.
You can check it from

Shoam. Boinus
Output to PDF or Excel

If you are still looking for an alternate solution, which will work not only with Excel, but with Notepad, PDF, etc, you may consider our product 32Printer, available at http://www.32soft.com/solutions.html. You can download a free light version to try it out.
if you have any other questions, please let me know.
Max Viskov
32Soft Inc.
Email: max.viskov@32soft.com

We use a program TEXT2PDF - versions for linux and windows - using progress and html type code all sorts of reports can be created. We generally email directly after creation so that no user process time is wasted.