OE 10.1B error


Dear All :

I am getting the following error when one of the date field is blank in my data. I tried to select only those records where that field is not blank :

WHERE xxkbh_plan_deliv <> ?

but still I am getting the following error when we are calculating the elapsed days :

xxkbh_eff_date - xxkbh_plan_deliv

** Unable to update Field. (142)
Value 2149233721 too large to fit in INTEGER datatype. (13682)
Press space bar to continue.

Can someone let me know how I could avoid this message popping on the screen and we are to press space bar to continue.


what are the values of those fields when the error appears?
Are you sure the error comes from this statement?

Dear All :

I am getting the following error when one of the date field is blank in my data. I tried to select only those records where that field is not blank :

WHERE xxkbh_plan_deliv <> ?

What about xxkbh_eff_date?
Dear Casper / Tom :

Thanks for your quick response. I was able to resolve the problem. Its because of 32bit overflow which we weren't able to check prior to Ver 10.1B. With 10.1B 64bit capability we could check of 32bit overflow. Refer Progress KB119368.

I had declared the variables in question to INT64 as opposed to INT, and its working fine.

Thanks & Regards,

Still I wonder what the values of the date fields are since 2149233721 / 365 = 5888311 years (yes almost 6 miljon years) which seems a bit strange unless you are maintaining some kind of evolutionary date keeping application. And also ? - number or number - ? = ? and not some big number. So I am very curious.

