ODBC for Symix

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Nathan Jones

New Member
My company is on Symix v.4 w/ a Progress backend from the 1990's. I primarily develop in MS Access and am looking to use a ODBC to create some sort of pass through query to Access for small purposes. I've searched the forums here and haven't found any good advice or articles to help me accomplish this.

Also, I'd like to learn about Progress as much as I can. There don't seem to be any books out there.

Thanks in Advance.
I've had success using the MERANT Progress ODBC Driver. Once you set up a DSN to your Symix server, you can create an ADO connection in Access like so:

Dim ConnectString as String
Dim Symix as ADODB.Connection

ConnectString = "Provider=MSDASQL; DSN=_____"
Set Symix = New ADODB.Connection
With Symix
   .ConnectionString = ConnectString
End With
After that you can execute an SQL query using:

Dim myRecordset as ADODB.Recordset
Set myRecordset = Symix.Execute(SQLQueryString)
I hope this helps.