Question New To Progress, Question About Cloning Apps Server

Hello All,

my normal daily background for the past 20 years is Oracle and SQL-Server. Now I seem to be involved in maintaining an outsourced system using Progress. So far I learned a bit about it, but got stuck on trying to start an Apps Server (used by a reporting tool) on a server that has been cloned and sits on a VM running on Red Hat linux.
From this help site I suspect I can't just start the Apps server without changing a few things. One of the would be the configuration file where I can see my live production Apps configuration.
This is a brief explanation:
Progress KB - How to create a correct UUID in broker definition in the

Nothing is said as to how do should I proceed if the Apps Server is running on a cloned machine (different IP address and host name of course). I also suspect I cannot use the original production section, instead I would have to copy/paste the settings and rename the section and then link the application somehow to this Apps server (don't know anything yet how it's done in the Prod. system).

Is there any link or any info I can provided with? So far can't find anything using search engines,lucklily I found this forum.

We are supported by an external company, but things are going slow at the moment with getting responses to questions. I am also studying Progress to understand the concept of this product. I am only doing baby steps at the moment, although I must say Progress is really well documented.

Greetings to All.


Active Member
A couple items are helpful to share your Progress / OpenEdge version and your OS platform.

So you have a prod server with a prod app server working fine. You have a clone of the prod server and you want to create an app server on the cloned server, the prod definition is there, but you want to rename it or create a copy ?

When updating, you want to avoid using a text editor and instead use mergeprop or OpenEdge Explorer or OpenEdge Management. If you don't have the desire to learn about those items and you just need a one time update, you can probably get away with using a text editor to update Just make sure you make a backup first.

all of this assumes you already have the admin server running on the cloned machine.
make a copy of the prod definition
Update the name Ubroker.AS.NEWNAME
Generate the new UUID using the KB you linked to
Depending on what other properties you use, a few more updates may be needed. Logfile name, logfile location, ....
that should be it. You can use the utility asconfig to verify the new app server was created correctly.

I'm on the other side - already know OE / Progress, trying to learn Oracle and MS SQL...

thanks for the response.
You have a clone of the prod server and you want to create an app server on the cloned server, the prod definition is there, but you want to rename it or create a copy ?
That is correct.
The key info is that I should not use a text editor. Unfortunately as this system has been delivered by a third party I know very little about it
at the moment. So some additional questions. I currently only have access to the server based Explorer, the program is "sqlexp". Are those the same, or is the OpenEdge Explorer
a client version graphical system of some kind? I think a license is required to have it installed on my PC.

I wouldn't want to extend this thread beyond the initial question, so your answers are sufficient, at least I can understand the concept and where to start
looking for answers.

Good luck with Oracle and Sql-Server. It seems that Progress shares a lot of the same concepts.



Active Member
I would stop the admin server, make a backup of, update to using vi or a text editor on windows, then start admin server, then use asconfig to check the syntax of your new definition.

sqlexp is a command line sql query tool. OE Explorer is a gui tool that can be used to create or copy app server definitions. It would create the UUID automatically for you.