Name server not starting


New Member
Hello all,

I have a problem.

I installed progress 9.1C and OE 10.0B on the same machine. I am trying to start the admin server and name server from both the version.

(I am able to start the admin,name servers and brokers in 9.1C).

For OE: I have used port <port no> to start the admin server.
Proadsv start port 20831 (I have tried with 21031 also)

Admin server is starting but when I try to start the name server I am not able to start… when I go and see in the NS1.ns log …I am getting the following error.

NameServer port 5162 Invalid or In user. (8212).
Error Initializing NameServer (8193).
Error Registering NameServer NS1 with RMI Registry
rmi://prabaharan.s_mobile:21031/NS1 (8191) Error Initializing NameServer (8193).

Can anyone suggest me how to start the secondary nameserver and admin server and webspeed brokers and what the cause of this Error is?

will this affect my .NET UI Installation.

Neither 9.1C (ancient, obsolete and unsupported) nor 10.0B (merely obsolete and unsupported) support the .NET UI -- you need 10.2A or better for that.

It sounds like you have two name servers trying to use port 5162. Do they both have the same name? (NS1?) Have you set up two name servers with distinct ports in /etc/services? Have you modified to point to them properly? Have you considered sharing a single common name server?