Migrating from Proress 6 to the latest version.


New Member
Hi guys,
I'm new here and don't have much experience in PROGRESS and I would like to get ur advice on some topics i encountered in my new job:
I work in a company in which the management software was developed as an internal project using Progress 6(!)
Now we would like to give access to our clients through the internet. For example, the client would like to see his case status, so we would retreive the information from the DB and show it to the client.
we are thinking to use MS Exchange Server 2003, but do u think it would be simple to somehow connect the Progree(6) database to the internet, i.e. making the data inside available to internet users? Is it possible at all? do u think I should move to a newer version of progress and dump and load the current(big) database to a newer version?
We are also interested to be able to use languages like C to deal with the PROGRESS DB. I have read about HLI/C and after not so long thinking I think I could use C to deal with DB and automatically build HTML or ASP pages according to the retreived data.
What do u think?
Sorry for the long message, and excuse my ignorance if I said something stupid :)
Thank u in advance.