Merant 3.70 32-Bit Progress Driver


New Member
Hello there,
I create a system DSN using Merant 3.70 32-Bit Progress Driver to connect my SQL SERVER ( and Access, using link tables ) to a Progress Database.
It's working in 90% ... because I have ONE TABLE, with 154 columns that give me a error! In Access or in DTS ( using Sql Server ) it's impossible to see this table. Give me an error message ( Access tell me that don't see the table ... but exists, and using DTS .. give me an error saying "UNEXPECTED ERROR OCCURRED. AN ERROR RESULT WAS RETURNED WITHOUT AN ERROR MESSAGE. HRESULT OF 0x8004005(-2147467259) RETURNED ).
Some friends tell me that maybe my header message, when connecting using my system dsn it's bigger .. and give this error, because i have 154 columns in this table, with large names columns.

It's the only table that give me problems. The others are working correctly. Can SOMEONE help me?