Mannesmann Tally barcode printing


New Member

I'm trying to print barcodes on a Mannesmann Tally line printer with Progress version 8.3. My OS is SUN Solaris.

I can get the barcode to print but I seem to have some trouble sending the "end barcode output" sequence. Here is the code I'm using

output through lp -d myprinter.

put unformatted
"starting" skip
chr(27) "[?11\~" /** start barcode sequence **/
chr(26) " F3;111" chr(25) /** format barcode display */
chr(20) "*123*" chr(20) /** print code 123 - between *'s */
chr(27) "[?10\~" /** end barcode output **/
skip(5) "ending".

The problem is that the string "ending" does not print until I go to the printer and manually press Form Feed, or until I send another print job. Is this because the printer is still expecting a barcode sequence? Any ideas would be appreciated. I need to be able to print text after the barcode has printed.

Thanks in advance,
