Make F3 key (Open Declaration) work more consistently in PDSOE

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The F3 keyboard shortcut (Open Declaration) does not work as consistently within PDSOE as it does when editing Java code in Eclipse. e.g. In the sample code below selecting "doSomethingHelpful" & then pressing F3 will do nothing. I would expect it to open com.example.helper in a separate editor window (if not already open) & then jumping to the doSomethingHelpful method with a matching signature. def property oHelper as com.example.helper. ...snip... oHelper:doSomethingHelpful(). Ideally, I would like to be able to do jumps like this, even if the method in question was defined in a pre-compiled .pl. (To do this we would have to be able to link a .pl to a source folder or archive) In general, when moving between Java development & OE development in Eclipse, the missing/broken functionality in PDSOE is a frustration. P.S. The Open Declaration method sometimes even opens seemingly arbitrary files in an editor window (which is especially confusing).

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